Tuesday, May 30, 2023

No Ho Hank High Poly Polish


I created a new eye

I've Started In Marvelous designer but I've run into some fatal crashes that have made me restart the process a couple times. MAKE SURE YOU STOP RUNNING THE SIM WHEN YOU EDIT THE MESH 

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Angel Vs Demon Sprint 1 Submission


This Sprint I concepted the Angel character for our scene.

I also created a block out that angel can start the rigging process with.

I still have the mask and a lot of detail to add but for now, with our tight schedule, this will have to do. 

With the Help of the team I also helped create our art style guide. I worked on multiple mood boards writings and concept artworks to refine the ultimate vision of the project. 

I also worked with a level designer, Kyle Conway, to Whitebox the level. I created the plan depicted above. 

Finally I assisted in coordinating the team with a producer, Delwyn Tejada. We had various meetings to discuss team strategy and project timeline. 

Monday, May 22, 2023

NoHo Hank Block Out


Block out (x)
High Poly Refined detail ()
Marvelous ()
Game Res ()
Render ()
Art Station ()

Block out - Due: week 1
high poly and human game res topo - Due: week 2
Marvelous Game Res and UVs - Due: week 3
Final Textures and Render - Due: Week 4

M3A1 Grease Gun Final